Sky Blossom
Sky Blossom
Finding Ying Ying
Finding Yingying
76 Days
76 Days
And She Could Be Next
And She Could Be Next
#AsianAmCovidStories Home, Delivered
Home, Delivered
Home, Delivered
First Vote
First Vote
Down a Dark Stairwell
Down a Dark Stairwell
Coded Bias
Coded Bias
A Thousand Cuts
A Thousand Cuts
Be Water
Be Water
When We Walk
When We Walk
Our Time Machine
Our Time Machine
A-Doc is a national network that works to increase the visibility and support of Asian Americans in the documentary field.
We welcome and include filmmakers who self-identify as Asian American, recognizing that this is a porous, evolving definition. We encourage members from the broader Asian American community to be active.
We are Asian American documentary filmmakers who have come together as one, multi-generational force to advocate for our vital presence in the field.
We are committed to sharing ideas and resources, providing mutual support and mentorship, and advocating for equity and diversity in the production and distribution of non-fiction storytelling.