
Thank you for your interest in joining A-Doc. Everyone is welcome to engage with  A-Doc through social media
. If you’d like to engage further, you can do so through the following options:


Subscribe to E-Newsletter: Our monthly e-newsletter is open to anyone interested in supporting Asian Americans in the documentary industry. Our  newsletters include information about A-Doc meet-ups, announcements about screenings and festivals, highlights from our members’ projects, and more.


Join Slack Network: Our Slack network is a private forum for self-identified Asian Americans working in the documentary field (filmmakers, curators, writers, funders, broadcasters, programmers, etc.)  This is a space for members to share resources such as funding and job opportunities, build community, brainstorm ideas,  and celebrate/support each other’s accomplishments. By joining Slack, members are expected to actively contribute to the community–participate in conversations, volunteer for events, and share opportunities with one another. This is not a listserv for lurkers. If you are joining simply to keep up with the community we recommend just signing up for the newsletter!  


If you’d like to join our E-newsletter and/or our Slack network, please fill out the form below: